• More from Chris Thile & Edgar Meyer

    In 2008, Chris Thile and Edgar Meyer released a self-titled album of mandolin and bass duets they had co-written. It found a ready audience among lovers of modern string music, but was a bit baffling for Thile's fans from Nickel Creek,

  • John Marquess departs James King Band

    John Marquess, bass player with the James King Band this past two years, has announced that he needs some time off the road. "The past twenty months I've been lucky enough to travel and do something I never imagined I'd get

  • Lonnie Hamer passes

    Lonnie Hamer wasn’t famous, but perhaps he should have been. He didn’t excel on stage or in the studio, but the upright basses that passed through his workshop near Hanover, PA, did, and they will continue to do so for many

  • Free Classifieds from Bluegrass Today

    Starting today, we are offering free classified ads here for all registered users at Bluegrass Today. Since registration is also free, our classifieds are truly no cost for our readers. Just log in, go to the Classifieds page, and create an

  • Tony Mowell to NewTown

    NewTown has announced Tony Mowell as their new bass player, just in time for the start of their 2014 touring season. With a strong new record, Time Machine, and a good bit of momentum from last year, the band has every

  • Janet Davis Music grand opening celebration

    Janet Davis Music has been among the top retailers of bluegrass instruments, accessories and music for almost four decades now, starting as a small family business run by banjo teacher Janet Davis and her husband, Jim. Last year, the Davis's

  • Chad Gilbert to Turning Ground

    We heard last week from Kentucky banjo player Mike Daniels, who shared that Chad Gilbert had joined his band, Turning Ground. Chad is playing bass, and had been working with Tommy Webb, and with New River Line before that. Nathan Arnett

  • Artist2Artist – Missy Raines

    If you are a touring musician, it happens to you. If you are a new performer, it probably happens more often than you would like. They are the bane of every performing musician: pre-show jitters, on-stage distractions, and getting bummed

  • Schatz excited about Nickel Creek tour

    Mark Schatz will take a six-month leave of absence from the Claire Lynch Band to play bass during the highly anticipated Nickel Creek reunion this spring and summer. He’s already joined Chris Thile, Sara Watkins and Sean Watkins in the studio,