• IBMA Awards eligibility for 2017

    It’s that time of year again, when the International Bluegrass Music Association asks for your help! Help with identifying eligible recordings for the 2017 IBMA Awards, that is. In order to accurately represent as much of the bluegrass world as

  • Michael Cleveland instructional fiddle video

    Bluegrass fiddle master Michael Cleveland, the most awarded fiddler in IBMA history, has released his first instructional video for sale and download online. Working with his friend and fellow fiddle freak Gil Benson, Michael has determined that video is the ideal

  • Reno Brothers reunite for RenoFest 2017

    Bluegrass fans of a more recent vintage may not remember The Reno Brothers, who were regular performers on the circuit in the 1980s and '90s. They were extremely popular for their hilarious stage show, their strong harmony singing, and for

  • Bluegrass Pride float in San Francisco

    At last year’s World of Bluegrass, the unofficial theme of inclusion and diversity, which provided performance and presentation opportunities for a number of women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community, among other minorities in the traditional and

  • Barcelona Bluegrass Camp 2017

    Our friend Lluis Gomez, Spain's most prominent banjo picker, shared this report about their second annual Barcelona Bluegrass Camp. He says that the enrollment was up over 50% from last year, a great sign for bluegrass in western Europe. Saturday, March

  • The very unreal threats of bluegrass groupies

    Chris is out on tour with the Night Drivers this week, and asked us to re-run this column about bluegrass groupies. It originally ran in 2011, shortly after Bluegrass Today was launched. Wives of male professional bluegrass musicians may from time