Will The Doerfels be the next young family band to leave a mark on the bluegrass world?
Like many other bluegrass family acts before them, the band is composed of a group of talented siblings, but they differ from the template in two notable ways. Their recordings and stage shows feature the young Doerfels alone – no parents or older pickers are involved – and their music (which they write) is more modern than is common for family outfits in bluegrass.
The senior member (T.J. on banjo) is only 20 years old, joined by his sister Kimberly (19 on fiddle), and brothers Eddy (16 on mandolin), Joe (14 on bass) and Ben (13 on guitar). Their new CD, What I’m Looking For, has been released on Patuxent Records, as has a video of the title track, written by T.J., who shared a few words with us about the song.
“I got the idea for the song from fellow musicians that were very successful but even with all their success were not satisfied. So when we play this song I like to keep in mind what I’m looking for. For me it’s not really fame and riches (those things would be nice as I am a full time touring musician) but ultimately I know there is someone much bigger than me who wants my attention and as long as I’m looking for him with everything I do I am satisfied even through the many hardships of life.”
You can find out more about The Doerfels by visiting their web site or MySpace page.