Larry Stephenson Band at the 2024 Remington Ryde Festival – photo © Bill Warren
Thursday dawned bright and sunny at Grange Park in Centre Hall, PA.
The day’s show opened with open stage performances by three family groups.
Then Corey Zink brought on his band from east Tennessee. Corey provides the audience with a good mix of bluegrass and traditional country music. His son is playing bass and singing with the group. This young man is a rising star.
The Edgar Loudermilk Band had quite a time making the show. They had played in Arizona and were driving to Centre Hall. The bus broke down in Arizona and parts needed to be ordered. A friend took their instruments home and the band flew out of Las Vegas to Pittsburgh. They then drove to the show where Little Roy and Lizzy lent them instruments to play the show. That shows the dedication bluegrass musicians have!
Larry Stephenson brought his band in from New York City after recording a show for Sirius/XM radio. Larry’s show is always top notch.
Little Roy Lewis is still fueled by the Energizer Bunny. The show has added Mikayla Burrows on guitar. She provides powerful harmony with Lizzy.
The Malpass Brothers closed out the show with their great traditional country music, and brother fued antics.
Friday and Saturday promise more great music including Larry Efaw, Lorraine Jordan, Danny Paisley, Junior Sisk, Lonesome River Band, Remington Ryde, The Feinberg Brothers, Nothin’ Fancy, and Rhonda Vincent.
There is still time to join us for two days of great music.
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