Looking for Mandolin Player Tim Duran

Banjo player Jerry Oland wrote:

Tim’s Mexican-American, originally from Oxnard. I met him at Bean Blossom in 1972. He then moved to Poughkeepsie, NY to play mandolin with me in the Arm Bros. In the mid-70’s Tim played mandolin with Larry Sparks, recording a Christmas album with him. No one I know has seen or heard from him since early 2000, but he may still be living in the Pear Blossom area. He was a great mandolin player.

I’m with Jerry, hoping to locate Tim. Any help would be appreciated.

Please see the Arm Bros. audio and photo project I did with Jerry’s, fiddle player Evan Stover’s and bass player Bob Pool’s, help last year.

Also take a look two more photos of them.