Gracie Muldoon, general manager and popular on-air host on, is really psyched about the interview segments of her Muldoon In The Afternoon program today (5/23).
The show runs from noon to 2:00 p.m. (EDT) and will feature a half hour discussion with Jamie Daley and Darrin Vincent, followed by a surprise special guest.
Gracie was cloyingly vague about what is scheduled after Dailey & Vincent…
“Both gentlemen will be on the phone. I’m really excited about it.
However – it doesn’t end there.
Let’s just say – after the D&V interview – we’re supposed to receive a phone in from a VERY BIG NAME – that rarely gives interviews! We won’t say who it is – that will speak to me for about 10 -15 minutes.. but lets suffice it to say – IT’s REALLY A BIG MUSIC HERO to a lot of folks – so if folks want to know who it is.. they have to tune in @ 1:30 pm eastern.”
Hmmmm…. who could it be?