Newgrass Music Lovers,
As a couple of die-hard Newgrass fans who have followed this music for well over thirty-five years, we feel the need to get on our soap-box and take a stand.
First, let us say that we were early supporters of the Bluegrass Hotel/Bluegrass Alliance Tribute in Louisville on March 20th. When the hotel package/tickets went on sale on Jan. 5th, we were one of the first callers. We called friends both near and far to help promote it. I even had a conversation with Bill Millet, the Executive Producer and offered to volunteer if needed. We talked about the March 20th show and all the incredible Newgrass talent that would be performing. He also told me that Vince Gill and Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top would be there. With much anticipation, we’ve been counting the days.
Fast forward to this week and it is now apparent that this project has all turned to crap. We’ve read all the information that we could find from both Sam Bush and Bill Millet and we have a few comments. We are fans and don’t need to, nor even want to understand the legalities of making music for a living and/or a charity. In all the years that we have followed Sam Bush, the Bluegrass Alliance, the New Grass Revival and any side project that he has been affiliated with, Sam has never missed a show. Sam and his business partner/manager/wife Lynn have always been the consummate professionals, along with his band, road manager and sound crew. Sam Bush is a true musician’s musician!
Obviously in regards to the artists, we’ve been lied to. Besides the situation with Sam Bush, it does not appear that Vince Gill or Billy Gibbons will be performing. As of this writing, John Cowan’s MySpace site states that he won’t be there. There is also no indication that Tony Rice will be there either.
Bill Millet, the project’s Executive Producer has taken it upon himself to use the two MySpace sites ( and ) in an unethically despicable way. He has taken Sam Bush’s personal battle with cancer, the recent cancer death of his father, and the cancer death of his dear friend and band mate to a public forum for the soul purpose of public humiliation to benefit his agenda and/or The American Cancer Society. This act exemplifies a new low that we cannot fathom. We don’t even think politicians would dig that deep into the gutter. This definitely speaks volumes in regards to his character. Shame on you Bill Millet!
We, as fans and supporters of Newgrass music, feel that Bill Millet owes us an apology for his lies and actions. For us, this is about the misrepresentation of someone we respect (Sam Bush). If you agree, please contact Bill Millet at 972-365-3303 or via addition, please contact Lorraina Aldridge at the American Cancer Society (502-584-6782 or Let her know how you feel about this mess. If you have a little extra jingle in your pocket, send it her way in honor of someone who has fought the battle against cancer. They are an incredibly honorable & worthy organization.
Most Sincerely,
Patrick & Barbara Day