• Charlie Daniels plays a mean fiddle

    Geico has a new commercial out claiming that the savings they offer on car insurance is as sure as is the fact that Charlie Daniels plays a mean fiddle. Be sure to watch all the way to the end for the

  • 2010 won’t happen by accident

    Brian Hazard over at the Music Think Tank blog has posted a good article entitled The case for online-only promotion. Some of his thoughts are right on and I agree wholeheartedly, others I have to respectfully disagree with. First he issues a

  • Ticketing for your bluegrass event

    If you're a promoter and have ever thought of using Ticketmaster but recoiled at the size of the "convenience" fees they would be charging your customers, and their lack of a sharing attitude concerning attendees, then Eventbrite might be a

  • Buy Ricky’s G-Run at auction

    Last week we told you about the G-Run that Ricky Skaggs and Wichita Rutherford were putting up for sale (you can read the story here in case you missed it). That auction has begun on ebay and will run all

  • Transatlantic Sessions 2010

    Our friends in the UK are in for a treat soon, as the Transatlantic Sessions present the sounds of great music created by acoustic musicians from both sides of the pond. The Transatlantic Sessions are put together by the Celtic Connections

  • The Nedski-Mojo CD

    We've got news that The Nedski-Mojo Show recently exited the studio after completion of tracking for a new album featuring the songs they've been performing on tour. The song list includes "a pile" of originals from Stephen Mougin (who normally works

  • Ricky Skaggs’ G-Run in a jar

    Leave it to our buddy Wichita Rutherford to come up with something no one has ever done before. He got the wild idea of capturing one of Ricky Skaggs' G-Runs in a mason jar, and auctioning it off on Ebay. As

  • Separated at birth?

    Walking through the mall with my wife, I noticed a large poster displayed outside an entertainment store. I did a double take, asking myself why they had such a large poster of Chris Thile sitting out, before I realized it

  • Separated at birth?

    Walking through the mall with my wife, I noticed a large poster displayed outside an entertainment store. I did a double take, asking myself why they had such a large poster of Chris Thile sitting out, before I realized it

  • Bluegrass Museum initiates Ambassadors Program

    The International Bluegrass Music Museum, in Owensboro, KY, has recently announced a new initiative to increase awareness and participation in Museum events and news among local bluegrass associations around the country. The new program is being billed as the Bluegrass Museum Ambassadors