Free band DVD from Full Sail

The prestigious Full Sail University and ReverbNation have partnered to offer a unique opportunity to bands willing to travel to the campus near Orlando, FL.

Full Sail has grown from a technical school for students of recording technology, to a fully-accredited university offering both undergrad and post graduate degrees in all aspects of the entertainment industry. Their programs include their founding focus on recording arts, but also encompass film, game design, computer animation and show production.

And just like the barber colleges and beauty schools that offer low-cost services to anyone willing to submit to a student hair cut, Full Sail needs bands for their students to film and record. In both cases, of course, there is close faculty supervision to prevent disaster, and for unsigned musicians and bands, it can be worth a small fortune.

Full Sail will selected roughly 30 bands each month to receive a free DVD and audio CD of a performance in the school’s studio. They are actively soliciting bands from all genres to give their students the opportunity to work in a wide variety of musical styles. Not only can bluegrass/acoustic acts benefit from a “professionally” switched video and multi-tracked audio demo, they can also help ensure that the next generation of video/audio engineers will have some experience with our music before they enter the work force.

All submissions for this program must come through ReverbNation, so if you don’t already have a free profile there, you’ll need to set one up to apply.

From the joint announcement:

In exchange for their performance, selected acts will be given a DVD with the stereo mix from the broadcast room and a CD mix from the simulcast room before they leave the night of the lab. Additionally, artists will also receive a DVD with mixed audio from the multi-track recording. These mixes occur at a later date and are usually available a month after the live session. Artists may receive the digital tracks to mix on their own if they’d like them to be transferred to a DVD as .wav files. Artists should bring a blank DVD-R to the lab and let the instructor know that they would like the tracks. The requested tracks will be available approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the live session.

For full details, see the press release online.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.