South Carolina’s Backline has announced Clint White as the newest member of the band, coming in on fiddle.
A Toledo, Ohio native, Clint started on the fiddle in 2006, dawn to the sound of the instrument in country and bluegrass music. He picked it up quickly, and started winning competitions soon after starting lessons. Two years later he was taking on students himself, and joined the group Fossil Creek in 2007.
Clint worked professionally with The Roys starting in 2011, and stayed with them for six years. During this time he became acquainted with Zach Carter, Backline’s banjo man, also working with The Roys.
In 2015 he went to work for Nu-Blu, learning mandolin as quickly as he had fiddle in order to fulfill the gig. When he and his wife Emily’s son was born in 2017, he came off the road to handle family responsibilities.
Then in the middle of last year, Carter called White to see if he would lay down fiddle for the Backline album, and he has now been welcomed into the band as a regular member.
Clint says that the band is a natural fit for him, and that he is really enjoying being back in bluegrass.
“I am blessed to be in a group where God is front and center, and where original music is part of our craft. If it looks like I’m having fun on stage, it is because after a long time, I am. I’m truly blessed to be with such a great group of people.”
You can find out more about Backline online.