The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and WYEP present
Bluegrass and BBQ
A Sneak Peek at "Time for Three" – the amazing musical trio, with some local Pittsburgh flare!
December 3
WYPE Studios
67 Bedford Square, Pittsburgh PA 15203
Join in the fun as Big Mama’s and Bluegrass come together in the ‚ÄòBurgh!
Watch as "Time for Three" gets back to the roots of bluegrass and jazz as this dynamic string trio displays their limitless enthusiasm and vibrant improvisation. Local groups Mon River Ramblers and The Beagle Brothers are sure to provide the "burgh" element to this musical line-up. Partnered with some delicious BBQ from Big Mama’s House of Soul and beer compliments of Penn Brewery – it’s a night not to be missed!
Tickets: $25
Tickets include BBQ, Beer, and great Bands! Available to those 21 and older.
To get your tickets visit