The Complete Mandolinist from Mel Bay

The Complete Mandolinist by Marilyn MairMel Bay Publications has a new book/CD set sure to be of interest to serious mandolinists.

The Complete Mandolinist is written by Marilynn Mair, a professor of music at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island and an internationally recognized artist and instructor of the mandolin, specializing in classical chamber music. She has also been active in performing and promoting Brazilian choro music, a jazz-inflected style where mandolin is prominent.

Her new book follows the traditional format of a method book, starting with basic reading skills and technique, progressing through scales and arpeggios, exercises, position shifts, tremolo, pick techniques and duets to demonstrate the state of mandolin proficiency at this point in time.

Musical examples used to convey these techniques are drawn from the wide range of the mandolin repertoire, including fiddle tunes, choro, and both Vivaldi concertos and Beethoven sonatinas.

The book (with audio CD) is directed at both new mandolinists who want to follow a classical model, or more experienced players who seek to profit from the long and distinguished career of Marilynn Mair.

More details and ordering information can be found on the Mel Bay site.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.