Steve Martin is featured in a cover profile in this weeeknd’s (1/25) issue of Parade Magazine.
The story, Even in tough times you can afford to laugh, is primarily about the importance of humor in a well-balanced life. Martin discusses how his approach to comedy has changed as he has gotten older, and even manages to include a reference to the banjo in his explanation of learning to cope with difficulties and stress.
"I got better at life the way I got better at the banjo," he says. "I just stuck with it. I hang around with some of the funniest people in the world. And I find time to be alone and to write. I get uncomfortable when people ask me to talk about my marriage, but this is a wonderful stage in my life."
Plugs for his new movie, Pink Panther 2, pop up throughout the piece, but Steve also reminds readers of this widely-read publication (72 million weekly) about his upcoming banjo CD, The Crow – though he says it will be title Beverly Hills Banjo. Perhaps this interview was done some months ago before the title was decided.
You can read the full article online – or in your Sunday paper.
The CD is set for a January 27 release, and will be offered as an Amazon exclusive. Audio samples and pre-orders are enabled there now.
HT: Katy Daley