Special Consensus in Hempstedt, Germany with their trusty travel van.
As promised, Special Consensus is sharing their European tour with our readers. Here is the first installment.
We all met in Chicago Tuesday, and headed to O’Hare Airport to catch the 4:oo p.m. flight to Frankfurt, Germany. Arrived at 7:15 a.m., picked up our rental van and drove just under 5 hours to Wadway, Holland (Netherlands, near Amsterdam), checked into our lodging and took showers. Our hosts Loek and Hanny Lamers had a fabulous dinner prepared for us, and we went to the venue, played the show, headed back to the lodging and slept quite soundly.
Yesterday we drove 5.5 hours to Helmstedt, Germany. The church we have played in before had a major fire so we had out picture taken in front of our van next to the portable building where we played the concert. The other photo is in downtown Hempstedt in front of the ancient tower near the wonderful Turkish restaurant where we had dinner.
We are now en route to the Puttgarden (Germany) ferry terminal, where we will ferry to Denmark and play this evening. Weather is beautiful!