We asked a number of bluegrass personalities to share their thoughts as we approach the Mother’s Day weekend.
Irene Kelley
My mom had the best sense of humor. One of my favorites things to do was to make her laugh.
I love the way she looked at the world. She saw beauty in most things and also had a knack for cutting through nonsense and BS.
My tribute to her…
Kody Norris
My mom, Ginger Norris, is a strong-willed lady who’s loved by all those she encounters. She instilled the value of hard work in me from a young age, and I’ve watched her willingness to always give 100% in all she does, especially for any effort that can improve the lives of others.
After an accident 4 years ago, she has faced numerous ongoing obstacles, but always with a smile and the grit to overcome.
She has been the backbone of my career from the beginning. She’s a champion and a great counsel, guiding me along. She still refers to me as her little boy! Being an only child, I guess you could say she doesn’t mind spoiling me if the occasion arises, but she’s quick to kick my tail if needed. And I have to add that my mom makes the best meatloaf on the planet. Yes, I’m bragging. I love my Momma!
Barry Abernathy
Like everyone else feels, I have a very special woman that God chose to be my mother. I have one quick hero story and one funny one about her if I may.
A few years ago, when my Dad was having serious health problems, Mom took it upon herself and got tested to see if she might be a kidney match for him. It turns out that she was. Without any thought, she had the surgery scheduled, and gave Dad one of her kidneys. She also had a hiatal hernia fixed while she was in surgery that day. It worked perfectly, and my Dad, who was very sick, was able to have 8 more years on this earth before God called him home! I was so impressed with her courage, and so grateful to her and to God for that gift.
Now for the funny part. After the Wednesday surgery, she was released Friday morning, and later that afternoon felt so good that she took the four wheeler to the mountains for a ride. Needless to say a few days later, she was back in the hospital to have the mesh redone on her hernia! The same quality that made her so courageous, put her back in surgery for the second time. After she recovered, we gave her a pretty hard time about the four wheeler trip, just two days after the surgery!
I Love you Mama!
Jerry Salley
My mother, Emma, is the perfect picture of unconditional love. She always taught me to reach for my dreams and encouraged me to follow my music wherever it would take me. Never discouraged me. She’s a great fisherman and an even better cook.
Valerie Smith
My mother, Jean Stevens, is so unique and special to me. I remember many beautiful things, the smell of her fried chicken that trailed outside our house while I would be returning from a day of school. She can really sing. She would sing along to the radio while working around the house, and I remember knowing she was a big star. She is so kind and sweet. Our Easter baskets had treats that included cute new under clothes rolled up in the corners. Her love is beyond measure, her smile is priceless…
I love my mother.
LaTresa Smith
My mom is the most tenacious woman I know! She has overcome incredibly difficult circumstances in her life, while remaining a rock for our family. She always manages to emerge from every trial with gratefulness and joy. She is strong, accomplished, and gracious, and I am thankful for the example she is for me and for my own daughter.
Audie Blaylock
I own a 1958 Martin D-18 that has been in my family almost since it was new. Technically, it was my mother’s guitar. She likes to jokingly tell the story of how she couldn’t sit and play because I would always be there and hold the strings down so she couldn’t. I learned how to play on that guitar so over the years it has acquired considerable wear, but the cool thing to me is through all the nicks and scratches you can see she left her own marks. My mom is always with me and always will be when I play that guitar.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Darren Nicholson
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers because they sacrifice so much! My mom was a huge part of my love for country and traditional music.
Billy Droze
My mother is the strongest woman I know! She continues to persevere through some of life’s biggest difficulties.
I love this woman and still call her every time I’m not feeling well. She was truly born to be a mother.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the bluegrass moms, wherever you may be!