International Bluegrass Music Awards Nominees for 2007

The IBMA AwardsThe International Bluegrass Music Assocaiation has announced the nominees for the 18th Annual International Bluegrass Music Awards. [press conference photos here]

Rhonda Vincent & The Rage lead the pack with 11 total nominations, split between the boss and her band members. Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver have 9 amongst them, and Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, The Del McCoury Band and Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder each received 7 nominations.

The awards will be presented on Thursday October 4 at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, TN, in an awards show and gala hosted by Sam Bush.

Bluegrass Today is providing expanded coverage of the nominations for these awards, with posts that include the names of each nominee, along with links to their web sites, bios and audio, in each of the award categories. We hope that this coverage will aid members of the press who will be reporting on the awards, as well as IBMA members who want to do some research before casting their votes.

To view the nominees, click on the (more…) link at the end of this sentence, or click on the title of the post.

Entertainer Of The Year

This award is for a performing act who displayed the greatest competence in all aspects of the entertainment field. Voters should give consideration to recorded and in-person performance, public acceptance, attitude, leadership, and over-all contributions to the bluegrass music image. The award goes to member(s) of the performing act.

The nominees for Entertainer Of The Year for 2006 are:

Cherryholmesweb sitebioaudio
The Grascalsweb sitebioaudio
Alison Krauss & Union Station
featuring Jerry Douglas
web sitebioaudio
Doyle Lawson & Quicksilverweb sitebioaudio
The Del McCoury Bandweb sitebioaudio
Rhonda Vincent & The Rageweb sitebio 1
bio 2

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Vocal Group Of The YearThe award for a group who regularly performs together that has shown outstanding recorded and in-person performance in the area of vocal performance. It is not limited to groups which only perform vocally. The award goes to each group member.The nominees for Vocal Group Of The Year for 2007 are:

Blue Highwayweb sitebioaudio
The Isaacsweb sitebioaudio
Alison Krauss & Union Stationweb sitebioaudio
Doyle Lawson & Quicksilverweb sitebioaudio
Rhonda Vincent & The Rageweb sitebioaudio

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Instrumental Group Of The YearThe award for a group who regularly performs together that has shown outstanding recorded and in-person performance in the area of instrumental performance. It is not limited to groups which only perform instrumentals. The award goes to each group member. The nominees for Instrumental Group Of The Year for 2007 are:

Blue Highwayweb sitebioaudio
Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper
featuring Audie Blaylock
web sitebioaudio
Alison Krauss & Union Stationweb sitebioaudio
The Del McCoury Bandweb sitebioaudio
Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunderweb sitebioaudio

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Male Vocalist Of The YearAward for the outstanding male vocalist based on recorded and in-person performance. The award goes to the individual.The nominees for Male Vocalist Of The Year for 2007 are:

Ronnie Bowmanweb sitebioaudio
Russell Mooreweb sitebioaudio
Tim O’Brienweb sitebioaudio
Larry Sparksweb sitebioaudio
Bradley Walkerweb sitebioaudio

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Female Vocalist Of The YearThe award for the outstanding female vocalist based on recorded and in-person performance. The award goes to the individual.The nominees for Female Vocalist Of The Year for 2007 are:

Dale Ann Bradleyweb sitebioaudio
Sonya Isaacsweb sitebioaudio
Alison Kraussweb sitebioaudio
Claire Lynchweb sitebioaudio
Rhonda Vincentweb sitebioaudio

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Song Of The YearThis award is for any song, new or old, which was released or showed significant chart action within the eligibility period. Any song which has been nominated for this award in previous years is ineligible. The award goes to the songwriter and artist. The nominees for Song Of The Year for 2007 are:

Song Title
links to audio

links to artist(s)

links to writer(s)

All American Bluegrass GirlRhonda VincentRhonda Vincent
Fork In The RoadThe Infamous StringdustersChris Jones & John Pennell
Lefty’s Old GuitarJ.D. Crowe & The New SouthDave Maggard & Jack Spencer
Sadie’s Got Her New Dress OnDoyle Lawson & QuicksilverConnie Leigh
The Last Suit You WearLarry SparksLarry Shell, Larry Williams & Kim Williams

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Album Of The YearAward for an outstanding recorded performance by an artist or artists, first commercially released during the specified time period (Award to artist(s), producer, and label).The nominees for Album Of The Year for 2007 are:


Album Title
links to audio

links to artist(s)

links to label

All American Bluegrass GirlRhonda VincentRounder
Fork In The RoadThe Infamous StringdustersSugar Hill
Lefty’s Old GuitarJ.D. Crowe & The New SouthRounder
More Behind The Picture Than The WallDoyle Lawson & QuicksilverSugar Hill
The Last Suit You WearLarry SparksMcCoury Music

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Instrumental Album Of The YearThis award is for an outstanding recorded performance by an artist or artists featuring instrumental music, new or old, first commercially released during the eligibility period. An album project is eligible when 50% or more of its songs are instrumental performances. (Award to featured artist(s), producer, and label):The nominees for Instrumental Album Of The Year for 2007 are:

Album Title
links to audio

links to artist(s)

links to label

Acoustic RisingMark Johnson & Emory LesterMountain Home
Double Banjo Bluegrass SpectacularTony TrischkaRounder
InstrumentalsRicky Skaggs & Kentucky ThunderSkaggs Family
No ApologiesJim Van CleveRural Rhythm
Wow BabyHunter BerryUpper Mgt Music

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Recorded Event Of The YearThis award is for a recorded album performance on which 50% or more of the songs represent special collaboration between two or more featured artists (individuals or groups) who do not regularly record together and who are known primarily for their contributions and public performances separate from one another. These acts must have performed together, as a unit, on a musical recording released during the eligibility period with each separate act receiving special billing on the record label and/or songs on which they are featured. (Award to featured acts, producer and label):The nominees for Recorded Event Of The Year for 2007 are:

Album Title
links to audio

links to artist(s)

links to label

Vassar Clements, Tony Rice & The Low Country All Star BandVariousFlatt Mountain
Double Banjo Bluegrass SpectacularTony Trischka & othersRounder
New Songs, Old FriendsJerry Salley & othersMountain Home
Ricky Skaggs & Bruce HornsbyRicky Skaggs & Bruce HornsbyLegacy Records
Wow BabyHunter Berry & othersUpper Mgt Music

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Gospel Recorded Performance Of The YearThis award is for an outstanding gospel recorded performance, of one or more songs, new or old, first commercially released or showed significant chart action during the eligibility period. Recorded performance may be vocal, instrumental, or a combination of both. The award goes to the featured artist(s), producer, and label.The nominees for Gospel Recorded Performance Of The Year for 2007 are:

Song Title
links to audio

links to artist(s)

links to label

Did You Forget God TodayThe GrascalsRounder
He Lives In MeDoyle Lawson & QuicksilverHorizon
Tell SomeoneKenny & Amanda Smith BandRebel
The Promised LandThe Del McCoury BandMcCoury Music
We Shall InheritDoyle Lawson & QuicksilverHorizon

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Emerging Artist Of The YearAward for a group or individual, new to the national bluegrass scene, which has made considerable advances artistically and/or commercially during the eligibility period. The band or individual should be performing under its/his/her name on a regular basis and not have more than two previous finalist nominations for this award. (Award to each group member or individual):The nominees for Emerging Artist Of The Year for 2007 are:

Cadillac Skyweb sitebioaudio
Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper
featuring Audie Blaylock
web sitebioaudio
The Infamous Stringdustersweb sitebioaudio
Bradley Walkerweb sitebioaudio
Williams & Clark Expeditionweb sitebioaudio

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Instrumental Performers Of The YearThe awards for artists who, on recorded and/or in-person performance during the specified time period, have shown an extraordinary mastery of their instruments. Nominations and awards will be made in six (6) sub-categories: Banjo, Bass, Dobro, Fiddle, Guitar and Mandolin. The awards go to the artists.The nominees for Banjo Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Cia Cherryholmesweb sitebioaudio
Tony Trischkaweb sitebioaudio
J.D. Croweweb sitebioaudio
Jim Millsweb sitebioaudio
Sammy Shelorweb sitebioaudio

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The nominees for Bass Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Barry Balesweb sitebioaudio
Mike Bubweb sitebio 
Mickey Harrisweb sitebioaudio
Missy Rainesweb sitebioaudio
Marshall Wilbornweb sitebioaudio

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The nominees for Fiddle Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Hunter Berryweb sitebioaudio
Jim VanCleveweb sitebioaudio
Michael Clevelandweb sitebioaudio
Stuart Duncanweb sitebioaudio
Ron Stewartweb sitebioaudio

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The nominees for Dobro Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Mike Auldridgeweb sitebioaudio
Jerry Douglasweb sitebioaudio
Rob Ickesweb sitebioaudio
Randy Kohrsweb sitebioaudio
Phil Leadbetterweb sitebioaudio

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The nominees for Guitar Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Jim Hurstweb sitebioaudio
Tony Riceweb sitebioaudio
Kenny Smithweb sitebioaudio
Bryan Suttonweb sitebioaudio
Larry Sparksweb sitebioaudio

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The nominees for Mandolin Player Of The Year for 2007 are:

Sam Bushweb sitebioaudio
Chris Thileweb sitebioaudio
Doyle Lawsonweb sitebioaudio
Ronnie McCouryweb sitebioaudio
Adam Steffeyweb sitebioaudio

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The following awards are determined by special procedures and committees are enlisted to review recommendations, consider nominations related to the criteria and determine recipients. Finalists will be recognized and winners will be announced at the Special Awards Luncheon, scheduled for Thursday, October 4 at The Renaissance Hotel in Nashville.

The nominees for Bluegrass Broadcaster Of The Year for 2007 are:

Kyle CantrellBluegrass Junction XM Satellite Radio, Nashville, TNweb site
Chris JonesSirius Satellite Radioweb site
Ned LubereckiSirius Satellite Radioweb site

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The nominees for Bluegrass Event Of The Year for 2007 are:

33rd Festival of the BluegrassLexington, KY – June 2006web site
The Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalAncramdale, NY – July 2006web site
Pickin’ in the Sticks
The 27th Annual MBOTMA Festival
St. Cloud, MN – August 2006web site

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The nominees for Print Media Person Of The Year for 2007 are:

Aaron Keith Harriswriter, National Review Online
Baltimore Examiner News
Lonesome Road Review Blog
web site
Chris Stuartwriter, Bluegrass Unlimitedweb site
John Lawless
Brance Gillihan
authors, Bluegrass Todayweb site

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The nominees for Best Graphic Design for a Recorded Project for 2007 are:

Don Bailey
The Mark Newton Band, Hillbilly Hemingway, Rebel Recordsweb site
Sue Meyer (designer) Various Artists, Sugar Hill Records, A Retrospective, Sugar Hill Recordsweb site
Visual Dialogue (designers)Various Artists, Friends of Old Time Music, The Folk Arrival 1961-1965, Smithsonian Folkways Recordingsweb site

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The nominees for Best Liner Notes for a Recorded Project for 2007 are:

Barry Poss
Jay Orr
Various Artists, Sugar Hill Records, A Retrospective, Sugar Hill Recordsweb site
Peter K. Siegel
John Cohen
Jody Stecher
Various Artists,
Friends of Old Time Music, The Folk Arrival 1961-1965,
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
web site
Gary ReidDon Reno Red Smiley and the Tennessee Cut-Ups, 1959-1963, Gusto Recordsweb site

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See the list of 2007 honorees for the Bluegrass Hall Of Fame and the Distinguished Achievement Awards here.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.