This post is a contribution from Mike Reed, one of our 2010 IBMA correspondents. Photos for this post come from Roy Swann.
Cherryholmes (Jere Cherryholmes – bass, Sandy Cherryholmes – mandolin & guitar, Cia Cherryholmes – banjo, B.J. Cherryholmes – guitar, Skip Cherryholmes – mandolin & guitar and Molly Cherryholmes – fiddle) have been a very popular group over the past several years, but each year they seem to crank it up a notch. Not content to rest on their past success they played their showcase set with an edge and a passion that made it clear that even with their success they aren’t just along for the ride.
The real surprise to me were the vocal performances by both Molly and Sandy. Molly, just moving into a more featured vocal role, sang with a voice that was surprising soulful, and really took control of the song. As if to let everyone know where she got her voice from, Sandy later tore into another soulful number that took the band in a slightly more jazzy direction.
The instrumental work continues to improve and progress, long after many thought they may had already reached their peak. However, it is the wealth of voices that really set this band apart. Sandy, Molly, Cia, Skip and B.J. each contribute their distinct vocal styles, which blend seamlessly in harmony when called upon.
So, simply, if you loved them before you’ll love them even more now. But no longer is it just band of Mom and Dad and the cute talented kids. This is now a very talented band of adults that just happen to be related.
Their most current release is Cherryholmes IV – Common Threads, on Skaggs Family Records.
Jere noted that both Skip and B.J. are getting married soon. It will be interesting to see how this new dynamic plays out for the future of this family band.