We have a number of new posts up on The B, with at least one that is generating some interesting back and forth. Check the post on Live Soundboard Recordings to witness the virulent disagreements elicited by the opposing sides of the live show trading debate.
The comments brought up there echo the thoughts expressed a few months ago when live show trading via the now-defunct bluegrassbox.com site was being discussed here on Bluegrass Today.
The sentiments are passionate and heated, and occasionally even vitriolic, but the topic is one that is worthy of your consideration if you enjoy/engage in show taping, or are a performer/songwriter who has concerns about the practice – on either side of the debate.
If you aren’t familiar with The B, it’s our reader contribution section of Bluegrass Today. Anyone who has registered here as a user can submit a post to be considered for publication in The B. We don’t automatically publish every submission, but we will approve any that are relevant to the topics we cover here, and aren’t profane or defamatory.