Good news/bad news from C-Sky

Cadillac Sky live on stageWe heard from Bryan Simpson of Cadillac Sky, who shared what has been an eventful week for the C-Sky guys. First, the good news…

Their next album is being mastered now, and the band should be able to approve the master soon. Bryan expects that it will be out sometime in the Spring of ’10, but couldn’t offer an exact date.

The band has also just signed a new management deal with Veritas Music Management, which consists of Evert Wilbrink, Bill McInnes, and Joseph Spence. Bryan said that it was an opportunity they couldn’t pass up.

“We were approached by Evert Wilbrink a few months back about working together in some capacity, just didn’t know exactly how – we started digging into Evert’s credentials (he has worked with Townes Van Zandt, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, to name a few) and knew his experience and excitement for the band could be a potent combination. So this week’s signing was the fruition of that.”

And now for the bad news – I’ll let Bryan tell the tale…

“Okay now the events of last Saturday: you know we planned to leave Denver and Casselman’s on Friday night right after the show in order to get out ahead of a storm we had been warned about. Well, Grant Gordy (ridiculous guitarist from CO) came over to hang and that forced us to put our plans on the backburner and make a little music back in the green room.

Anyway, once we did leave, like 1 something, the roads were already too icy to keep going with tired eyes in tow. So we pulled over on the shoulder for a little shut eye. We fired it back up at daylight and a little ways down the road hit a patch of ice that spilled us off into the median, jack-knifing the trailer in the process, but no real damage done – we wiped off our brows and fired up ‘the Vault’ again.

We switched drivers (the names of who was driving during the moments under discussion are not necessary – Ross and Daniel already feel bad enough), and a few hours later we woke up to the ever-conspicuous phrase, ‘Here we go’… and once again we were sliding – from the right lane to the left and then back over, headed off a cliff on the Colorado-Kansas border.

We didn’t know if we were headed off of Wolfcreek Pass or what… Carried by the momentum of the trailer we went down a steep hill, were tossed from one side of ‘the Vault’ to the other, took out a barbed wire fence and turned the trailer over as we came to a stop.

It truly was the first time in my life I thought I was not gonna see another new day. Somehow nobody was in the least bit hurt nor was a single instrument or piece of equipment harmed. We’re very thankful for that. But recently my prayers changed from ‘God keep us safe’ to ‘God draw us closer to you today, no matter the cost,’ and I am most thankful for the perspective that God has given me through this.

Knowing that any minute I could be standing in front of Him with my life as my confession for loving and believing in Him. One of my favorite quotes is that of Martin Luther’s ‘I am living for this day and that day’- for a minute there I thought it was that day.’ “

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.