Episode #2 – IBMA reactions

The GrassCastIn episode #2 of The GrassCast we share excerpts from interviews John and I conducted with a number of bluegrass personalities. We asked them to share their thoughts about the 2005 IBMA trade show and fan fest. With 2005 being the first year for the event to be held in Nashville, TN, there were a lot of positive and negative responses. We previously posted about this topic here. Now you can hear what the bluegrass artists, songwriters, and business persons in attendance thought, in their own words. Due to the great number of these, this will be a two part series with the second part coming in next week’s episode.

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This GrassCast is 13 minutes in length and the file download size is 15 MB

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NOTE: This post is open to comments, so please share your thoughts about IBMA 2005 here. We just might include them in our next episode of The GrassCast.