It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks that saw The Night Drivers and me going from Bean Blossom, Indiana to Huck Finn’s Jubilee in Victorville, California and back to Tennessee in less than a week. We did some night driving,
Opinion / Humor
Blue Yodel #33 – Pomp & Bluegrass
In the past few weeks, my daughter graduated from college and my son graduated from high school. I say this with a great deal of pride, but also with a certain sadness at how quickly life goes by—quickly, that is,
Bgrs txtng shrthnd
I realize this probably dates me, but I’m not a very good texter. I do have what is, technically speaking, a “smartphone”, but it’s a tiny secret agent-sized job that has no keyboard, therefore I rely on the “predictive text”
Blue Yodel #32 – Ask Mr. Blue Grass Smarty Pants
Guest Trivia Master – Matt Glaser This month’s guest is a big shot fiddle player, who—it says on his bio—was originally inspired to play fiddle from “watching a corn chip commercial.” Come on, I mean, it was Fritos, right Matt? You
International touring Dos and Don’ts
International touring is something that most professional musicians will have an opportunity to do at some point in their careers, and last week I introduced you to some of the joys and hazards of this kind of work. I saved
Blue Yodel #31 – Sync or Swym
No, Sync or Swym is not the latest single from IIIrd Tyme Out. Nor is it an old Welsh proverb. I just needed a title for this week’s Blue Yodel topic: sync rights. Wait! This is really fascinating stuff! I promise
International Man of Bluegrass
I’m writing this from an airplane heading west back to North America after a short European tour. Since the flight is 9 hours long, I finished watching a mediocre movie over an hour ago, the seatbelt sign has been on
Talking Doc Watson Blues
This is a debut column from Art Menius, who we hope will be a regular contributor at Bluegrass Today. Art has many years' experience as a writer, and in the organizational realm of traditional music. His will be a welcome
Blue Yodel #30 – 20 Questions: The Gibson Brothers
1: If Leigh were a soup and Eric a sandwich, what kind of soup and sandwich combo would you be? Leigh: Pea soup and bacon sandwich Eric: Tomato soup and bologna sandwich 2: What are your favorite 4-letter words? Leigh: Tony and Rice Eric: Earl
Listen up, sound guys
Last week, based on comments I received here and elsewhere, it seems that I suddenly became the best friend of sound engineers, simply by making an attempt to tell their side of the story. Now, could I get just a