• Farmpark Bluegrass Festival – Denton, NC

    Farmpark Bluegrass Festival We pull off the narrow rural road into a drive flanked by two Frick Eclipse steam powered tractors.   It's early Wednesday afternoon and there's not much going on yet.  Throughout the afternoon and evening RVs will form a

  • Bradley Walker video online

    This morning I was surfing around the net and discovered that Rounder Records has a video online about Bradley Walker. They're calling it an ecard, but it's more like a mini-documentary. It contains some obvious promotional elements, but that's ok.

  • Jerusalem Ridge Bluegrass Celebration 2006

    Jerusalem Ridge Bluegrass Celebration '06! I can't find adequate words to describe the aura that surrounded this wonderful event! Taking place on "Ground Zero" for bluegrass music, the birthplace of Bill Monroe, the Jerusalem Ridge Bluegrass Celebration is fast becoming "THE"

  • Sunday Reading

    For your Sunday reading pleasure I've gathered up a couple links to articles that might be of interest. Here they are in no particular order. Vince Gill - The Boston Globe has a nice 2 page story about Vince Gill's new

  • The Krauss Plant

    Word has it that Alison Krauss and Robert Plant, of Led Zeppelin fame, will be in Nashville this coming week working on a new duet record. Two of the studio musicians lined up so far are Dennis Crouch on bass and Marc

  • The Station Inn: Been there, Scene that

    This post is a contribution from Casey Henry, who writes from Nashville. It was initially posted in The B. This week's issue of the The Nashville Scene is the annual Best Of Nashville issue. They scour the city looking for

  • Patriotism isn’t politics…

    Friends: In response to the person from the Netherlands to "keep American politics out of the IBMA", it appears he is defining "politics" as ANY indication or mention of our nationality, then proceeds to launch a critique of current administration policies. The

  • Krauss, Stanley in Vanity Fair

    The November issue of Vanity Fair, which arrived in my mailbox a couple of days ago, features a photo spread of country music artists (it has George Clooney on the cover--yum!). Among those pictured are Alison Krauss and Ralph Stanley.

  • Vintage Festival Photos

    Mandolin Cafe is directing attention to a post in their forum, that was started last September. The post contains a whole bunch of vintage photos from bluegrass festivals. It's great for scrolling through and saying things like "Wow!", "Oh My!",

  • Benson baby photo on LST site

    Just a quick update to our mention earlier this week about the birth of Hogan Wayne Benson, whose parents Wayne and Kristin Benson are well known to bluegrass fans. There is a hospital photo of young master Benson up on Larry