• Pass the hat for Annie Nice

    That's the title of a GoFundMe page set up to benefit Annie Nice, a prominent member of the music community in Raleigh, NC. Bluegrass artists and fans will recognize Annie as the long time manager of Tir Na Nog, an Irish

  • Flatt & Scruggs mural at Bluegrass Island

    Work continues on the Bluegrass Island store in Manteo, NC ahead of its scheduled opening on March 1. Located across the road from the site where the annual Bluegrass Island festival is located on the beach, the store will serve as

  • Studio sneak peek from Feller & Hill

    No... it's not an early April Fools. It's just Tom Feller of Feller & Hill entertaining himself in the studio while the snow was falling last week. Tom shared this video as a sneak peek of their next single.   OK.... so that's

  • Steve Gulley recovering from surgery

    While much of the eastern United States had another snow day yesterday, Steve Gulley made a trip to a surgery center to have his gall bladder removed. The surgery had been scheduled in advance and went well. He was able to

  • More good news from Blake Johnson

    Friends and fans all over the US were shocked last week to learn that Blake Johnson, former member of IIIrd Tyme Out and Grasstowne, had undergone open heart surgery, after suffering a stroke. What makes this such a noteworthy event

  • Tim Newby talks Baltimore Bluegrass

    Country music and bluegrass music has been the subject of favorable treatment by academics with the International Country Music Conference (ICMC) and the Birthplace of Country Music, Bristol, TN/VA, being two of many organisations that stage seminars that present talks