Friends and fans all over the US were shocked last week to learn that Blake Johnson, former member of IIIrd Tyme Out and Grasstowne, had undergone open heart surgery, after suffering a stroke. What makes this such a noteworthy event is that Blake is only 32 years old.
The past two years his health had rapidly deteriorated, starting with inexplicable gastro-intestinal distress. He was hospitalized and tested several times, ultimately leading to a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and stage 5 kidney disease. The effects of both of these ailments, including the regular dialysis, has rendered Blake too weak to do much of anything, and he has been told that a kidney transplant will be in his future once his other problems are stabilized.
But for now, he is recovering nicely from his heart surgery on January 19. His wife, Amber, tells us that he is snapping back quickly, though still suffering some post-operative pain. He is out of the ICU, and has been walking some on his hospital floor.
A pacemaker was installed during the surgery, but Amber says that the doctors hope to be able to take that out before Blake is sent back home to finish recovering.
As of this morning, his heart rate is steady, and Amber remains optimistic.
“He’s doing everything he can on his part to heal quickly and get healthy! Still has a long road of recovery ahead but Blake is a fighter and he’s doing great!!”
Keep it up Blake!