The limits of good taste, that is.
We’ve managed to survive the contentious weeks of bicycle chain hysteria, and kept bluegrass largely free of the twerking phenomenon re-ignited by a racy Miley Cyrus. *
But no… we can’t have nothin’ nice. The Darrell Brothers, a pair of Nashville grassers, have tied it all up for us in a nice little bow with their new single, Mountain Twerker. It tells the precious tale of their dear old granny who was shaking her hillbilly behind before today’s aficionados were even born.
Here’s a look at the video…
The single is available for sale now from iTunes and CD Baby. Radio hosts can grab it from Airplay Direct.
* Bonus question for fans of bluegrass trivia: In whose music video did a young Miley Cyrus make her first video appearance?