• Banjo – An Illustrated History

    Lovers of the banjo have much to celebrate in this first half of the year, with two carefully researched and prepared hardcover books being released on the history of the instrument. We mentioned The Banjo - America's African Instrument earlier this

  • How Long (Will Interest Rates Stay Low)?

    Merle Hazard is a clever Nashville songwriter and performer who has moved into the drastically underserved market of economic explication. No longer must we wait for an upbeat folk song about the Greek debt crisis, or the twin fears of

  • 2016 Southern Ohio Indoor Music Festival

    MC Blake Williams brought The Wayfarers, a southeast Ohio band, on stage to kick off the March edition of the Southern Ohio Indoor Music Festival, aka SOIMF. Host band, Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers, took the stage next. The

  • 2016 March MASHness round 2.2

    We're on to the second round two polls in our March MASHness competition, pitting first round winners in the Ingenious Innovators and Leading Ladies divisions against one another. These showed some of the closest vote counts so far, and the

  • Rock royalty at The Station Inn

    When Aerosmith's legendary lead singer Steve Tyler made it known that he was moving to Nashville to get involved in country music, there were a lot of doubters. "What does this rocker know about country music?" and "It's just a

  • Mountain Faith on The Willis Family tonight

    Bluegrass, family, and dating take center stage on tonight's episode of The Willis Family on TLC, available on most cable and satellite television networks. The show follows the musical and sibling comings and goings of The Willis Clan, a family of unusually

  • Round two of March MASHness 2016

    Here we go... The Round two polls in our 2016 March MASHness, largely matching the format used in the annual NCAA basketball tournament, are now open! Readers are asked to continue voting to select their all time favorite bluegrass entertainer through