• Hank Janney set to retire

    This Sunday marks the end of an era in Pennsylvania bluegrass history. Hank Janney, an icon in the Gettysburg area, will do his final radio broadcast for WGTY on August 26. His name was nearly synonymous with the music in Gettysburg. For

  • Fundraiser for Vanderpool family

    On Monday we shared sad news about the passing of Dale Vanderpool, a professional banjo player from Ohio who had toured extensively with a number of bluegrass artists. He had been receiving treatment for the colon cancer that eventually took

  • Share Your Summer with the ‘Dusters

    The Infamous Stringdusters have launched a video contest, asking their fans to show what they did on their summer vacation. To enter, you need to create a video slide show made up of your favorite summer photos, with a soundtrack using

  • Jim Smoak on RBI

    Seminal first generation banjo player Jim Smoak will be this weekend's guest on Best Of Bluegrass, hosted by Bob Mitchell. The show is broadcast on Radio Bluegrass International (RBI), an online radio service of the International Bluegrass Music Museum in Owensboro,

  • Crowe and Carter careers remembered on Truegrass

    Chris Jones, noted singer, songwriter, bandleader, radio personality and bluegrass humorist, has something special planned this week for his Sirius XM program, Truegrass. In advance of their mutual birthdays on August 27, Chris is highlighting the music of both Carter Stanley and