• IBMA gets the pork

    One of the fun supplements to the World of Bluegrass events this year in Raleigh, NC was having the North Carolina Pork Council's Whole Hog Barbecue championship held during the weekend's Wide Open Bluegrass festival. The aroma of pig on the

  • Two scholarships offered for Dr. Banjo camp

    Pete Wernick announces the availability of two scholarships for his 2014 Advanced Banjo Camp, January 20-25 in Boulder, Colorado. The camp is geared to players in performing bands and focuses on tone, timing, “believability,” creativity, band dynamics, and performance. The

  • Henhouse Prowlers in Mauritania

    Henhouse Prowlers have agreed to share occasional reports from the band's African adventure, touring with the American Voices program on behalf of the US Department of State. Here's their third dispatch, from banjo player Ben Wright. Chances are you've never heard

  • BanjoRama comes to MerleFest 2014

    Have you ever thought to yourself... "There's just not enough banjo music at MerleFest?" Not a problem for 2014. The mega-festival's new Artist Relations Manager, Steve Johnson, has organized a special, one-time banjo geek-out show for Friday, April 25 on the main

  • Junior Sisk Week in Rocky Mount

    File this one under local boy makes good... Junior Sisk accepted a major award this week in his hometown of Rocky Mount, VA, where the Town Council have declared this as Junior Sisk Week. The bluegrass balladeer was also presented with

  • Tony Rice fund update

    Since we posted about the Tony Rice Foundation last Friday, we have had a number of questions from readers about this effort to raise money to help the legendary guitarist through a rough time. Several folks have thanked or congratulated us on

  • The Same Old Newgrass Band

    Bluegrass groups covering songs from other genres is not a new trend – even Bill Monroe and Flatt and Scruggs occasionally covered pop, country, or rock numbers. Today, it’s a rare album that can be found without at least one

  • Tex Logan Christmas Card campaign

    Tex Logan is always in the thoughts of bluegrass fans come Christmas time - even if they don't realize it. In addition to a long career as a fiddler in seminal bands like The Lilly Brothers, Tex is the author of

  • Butch Robins releases Christmas singles

    Former Blue Grass Boy Butch Robins has released a pair of singles for the Christmas season, which he hopes you will make part of your music mix over the holidays. The first is an original Robins composition, Holiday Toast, which features