• Bluegrass Billy Idol

    With the advent of Guitar Hero, anyone is a, well... guitar hero. Microsoft has taken that concept to the art of songwriting with their newest software offering, Songsmith. With Songsmith you can write songs, even if you don't know music. Sounds

  • Steve Martin on SNL

    If you (like me) couldn't take the "comedy" of Saturday Night Live this weekend long enough to see Steve Martin and his banjo, here's the clip from the NBC web site. UPDATE 8:40 a.m. - The Sunday (2/1) edition of The

  • Win a Deering banjo

    Deering is giving away a Calico model banjo valued at $4559. This is a curly maple banjo bound with elaborate wood marquetry and ivoroid, stained a light, honey-brown. The peghead is also bound. There is no purchase required, and entries can be

  • Steve Martin on SNL, Letterman, Regis

    As Brance mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Steve Martin will be hosting this weekend's (1/31) edition of Saturday Night Live, airing on NBC at 11:30 p.m. He will also be featured as a musical guest, performing Late For School, a

  • Steve Martin in Parade

    Steve Martin is featured in a cover profile in this weeeknd's (1/25) issue of Parade Magazine. The story, Even in tough times you can afford to laugh, is primarily about the importance of humor in a well-balanced life. Martin discusses how

  • More news from NAMM

    Here are a couple more tidbits from the recently concluded NAMM show in Anahiem, CA. Paige Capo introduced a revised design for their popular capo, which they say makes it faster and easier to use. They make capos for banjo, guitar

  • Should ladies play the banjo?

    We all know that playing the banjo is the polite thing to do, but is it appropriate behavior for ladies? Associate Professor of Music (Hamilton College) Lydia Hamessley, says that the banjo manufacturers of the late nineteenth century engaged in an

  • News from NAMM

    A number of prominent bluegrass instrument manufacturers are exhibiting this weekend at the annual convention and trade show of the National Association of Music Merchandisers, known as The NAMM Show. Held in January of each year in Anaheim, CA, it

  • Steve Martin in Bluegrass Now

    It's been great to see the tremendous interest in Steve Martin's upcoming banjo CD within the overlapping banjo and bluegrass communities. Martin has been a banjo picker since before he made it big, first as a comedian and later as a