Greetings from the studio! When recording a record, CD, or long play album (a term we need to revive), it’s pretty intense, and I rarely have time to come up with anything funny for this weekly column. Or even anything not funny.
What I will do, though, is continue my long-neglected haiku series, this time with a recording studio theme. In past installments I’ve included some background and history of the haiku. I’ll summarize briefly: Haiku is (are?) a short form of Japanese poetry that . . . I’m sorry that’s all I have time for this week.
Love and Wealth take twelve
who knew this song was so hard?
please mute the pan flute
engineer is tired
says “whatever” in talkback
we need coffee stat
we’re extravagant
we got Sting on Uncle Pen
our label hates us
let’s try that again
or on second thought let’s not
we have pro tools now
who’s that on fiddle?
oh of course that’s my mother
it’s been a long day
sure I know it’s flat
that’s part of my sound you know
let Sting sing it then
playing to a click
that seems to be slowing down
lame technology
slow Barbara Allen
take one hundred and fifteen
someone shoot me now
book one more week?
what would Jimmy Martin do?
oh right he’d be done