STOLEN: Epiphone MB-250 banjo

Jeremy Bauer just wrote in to report a sad incident:

I was in Portland, OR on 01-28-2006 when my Epiphone MB-250 banjo was stolen out of my car (along with a lot of other stuff including my Michael Burke pennywhistles (D & E) ). The banjo has a custom Celtic-themed head on it, setting it apart from the look of other banjos [see photo below ~ed]. The banjo was in a black Gold Tone case plastered with stickers. However, if the stickers have been peeled, the case still says “Gold Tone” on the outside and is very faded ’cause I tried to remove it. In the case is a Intellitouch tuner and a Levy’s brown leather strap. The banjo has a Shubb 5th String Capo and Fishman Rare Earth pickup mounted on it. The SN is: X96015538. Anyway, I’d appreciate any help or extra eyes out there. Thank you, thank you! Keep up the great work!

If anyone has any information about this instrument please contact Jeremy immediately.