Mix Magazine is one of the top publications for the studio/technology aspect of the recording industry. The magazine’s usual focus is on new gear, new trends in mixing, big projects that get a lot of attention, and the occasional studio profile.
The July 2007 issue (current issue) features a studio profile of Slack-Key Studio in Nashville, TN. The reason this may be of interest to readers of Bluegrass Today is because this particular studio is owned, and run, by our very own Randy Kohrs.
The issue features a series of stories called Coast to Coast in which they profile studios, engineers, and producers. Randy is one of those profiled in the series. The article includes a picture of Randy in the studio with Jim Lauderdale.
Aside from being a great dobro player, Kohrs has been honing his skills as an engineer and producer lately. He produced Jim Lauderdale’s upcoming CD, Larry Cordle’s upcoming CD, and his own recently released CD, Old Photograph.
Where did a dobro player learn these skills? Randy says he started out just tinkering with recording so he could listen back and improve his own playing, but after getting interested in doing more, he learned from the best.
I’ve had lots of help from some of the great engineers here in town. There’s lots to learn from those guys, and I’ve been lucky enough to play on sessions where I could ask them questions.
You can read the article online here.