Güglingen, Germany. Day 8 of European tour:
We just wrapped up a show at the Altes Theater in Heilbronn, Germany. As with last week’s show in Prague, this was a double bill with Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley. It’s a charming venue for music, and I hadn’t played there in 18 years. I’ll never forget my last time there, because I dropped a Martin D-28 that didn’t belong to me (!) on the concrete floor in the dressing room. I don’t recommend doing this.
Here’s a look at the delicious and colorful spread we had before the show.
Speaking of food, these are the inescapable facts about touring Europe:
Bread, and almost all road food: better
Coffee: better
Chocolate: better
Beer (if you partake): better, and I don’t care how many craft banana/pistachio-flavored porters you hand me, this is still the case.
No need for any feelings of inferiority, though; fortunately, we remain the world’s leader in thick towels, soft toilet paper, and virtually anything deep-fried. Then there’s the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, but I digress.
Ned Luberecki offers the tour of the backstage area, the very same place where I dropped that guitar 18 years ago:
We had a wonderful weekend at Adiaha’s Bluegrass Camp. Rob and Trey were there as instructors, too. The camp had a great atmosphere, very good food (see more food photography below as proof), and the students were terrific. It was in a beautiful location, set in the Bavarian alps, not far from Munich.
When the camp was over, we had the only day off of the tour, and spent part of it wandering around historic Munich. Yes, trains were ridden, church towers were climbed, and pretzels were eaten.
Next week: “Hard-driving” officially retired as a bluegrass adjective. What now?