Here is our CALENDAR and INVITATION for you- In order for YOU to include in YOUR Calendar!Mud River Lee & The Bluegrass Orchestra will be hosting a Musical Jamboree EVERY Thursday in November, December and January at ‘Conway’s Smokin Bar and Grill’ located on 22nd and Wells, St. in Milwaukee from 8pm – Midnight!
Where they will feature $.35 cent chicken wings, and reasonable & affordable beverages ($3.00 mini pitchers) on Thursdays, PLUS do already host a ‘Green Screen’ behind the stage – a video editing dream come true, for Musician/Vidiots like myself, besides their convenient location.
Anyways, ‘Conway’s Smokin Bar and Grill’ is already an outstanding BBQ Rib Joint with a reputation for strictly BLUES—we will help change that as they have decided to evolve musically—and now they plan to have radio commercials and newsprint advertising to further ‘live instrumentation and performance’ expanding beyond ‘The Blues’ alone. I will be handling this advertising. Personally….and the time is now, for you to allow me to arrange this venue for you, and your performance schedule for them. We are in the beginning phases, so, we are in a great spot.
Please NOTE these dates….and include them in your calendar…Performers are welcome these dates, please call to arrange a scheduled performance, for print/media specific time purposes, otherwise walk-in musicians are welcome.Thank you!
November, 6th, 13th, 20! (any takers for Thanksgiving slot?)
December 4th, 11th, 18th! (any takers for an X-mas show?)
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th!
Mud River Lee & the Bluegrass Orchestra will be feature both Instrumentalists & Bands specializing in acoustic/electric acoustic, Folk, Folk Rock, Bluegrass, Roots, Americana, Cow Punk, Rockabilly, Jug, Dead Head, Jam Band, Cayuse, Jam Grass etc…Balladeer, Ethnic, Gypsy Cow Punk Billy Grass Jam Doodle Irish Welsh Traditional Funk…how ever way it turns – without the Screamos…..unless used to describe some mayhem in a possible Stagger Lee Ballad or the cries of Barbary Allen lamenting of poor William, capiche? We want you to use your BEST and most worthy material, not watered down version of songs that should have been shot and buried next to a cannibal.
Featured performers could play a variety of instruments including but not limited to: Banjo, Mandolin, Fiddle, Guitar, Dobro, Harpsichord, Harmonica, Bass Fiddle, Warshboard, Jugs, Songs, Mouth Harps, Spoons, Saw, Accordions, Dulcimer, Ukele, Lutes….heck we will even let Christine’s piano player in the door, and Eelectric GEETAR if we have to include every body! We do not want to turn any one away….BUT would LOVE to arrange the louder thrashers to once a month, for those perpetually Plugged, as in CowPunk genre. (all we need is horns now!-Horn bands are you available on Wednesdays for their already rolling horn Blues night?)
Some of the Featured performers suggestion/possibilities to be scheduled are-**** The High Lonesomes, The Christine Swanson Band, One Lane Bridge, Coventry Jones, Andrew Gollup, Dangerous Folk, Cayuse Cowboys, Sandy Weisto, Sawdust Symphony, Boney Fingers, McTavish, Peter Lee, Timbuktu Drum Corp (compliments of maybe Vic’s arrngements), and soloist African stringed banjo extraordinaire – Ya Ya ****and the list goes On….Call to arrange your Bands performance with me right away so I can get the calendar scheduled and the radio/print advertising out, to get some customers, to pay the bands!! We want YOU!
See Frequently asked questions below-
For questions please contact Barbara @ 414-333-3334, especially if you wish to be included in this fun event- even if you want to be apart of the video and editing work.Thanks!
Frequently Asked Questions
Conways has a radio commercial made that will be advertising Food/ Music/Specials, and if all goes well, there will be paid gigs from this, through ME, Barbara! Again, we are trying to get a wheel turning here and work together, and then move onto another venue and do the same. No pay until sound man and advertising is compensated. We will be giving away dinners on the radio and talking about your band. I do need your bands promotional material, should you decide to play, for online ads. I will do this, and if anyone else wants to volunteer to help, please see me. I will also need your webpage address…see below as to what will be asked of you.
Upon arrival, you will be asked to include/draw out a quick stage plat, answer a short questionaire, sign a terms of ownership form- for your ‘originals’ protection– and you will be asked to separate, while performing your music, the original from the ‘borrowed’ song—for video editing purposes- so the video editors can cut the set right down the middle, so we can video edit easily. So as no one violates any copyright laws nor inadvertently owns something that technically does now belong to them that they, in reality, do not want. Meaning—if you perform a song LIVE, never before released, you are protected….as well, we wil make this not a problem…fear not.
MORE FAQ’s– There are plans to market (car fliers) to ‘The Rave’ (Eagles Ballroom) Club go-ers/attendees as well as Marquette students. SO that being said: All cover charges are waived if you bring either an instrument, a student ID or a ticket to the Rave, or plan to dine…otherwise the cost will be reduced to guests having to only buy a drink or two and sit back and enjoy themselves or grab a hot coffee there and some ribs, whatehaveyou, BUT remember seniors still always get in free, as do family members of musicians and other volunteers—so as you can see we are working a deal here! Otherwise the cost will be determined at a later date, if put in place at all if the ads just do not do it, but they will….but what you DO get will be LIVE opportunities- on a different stage as well as bragging rights, and hopefully a copy of a decent video put out on MATA , and maybe we can extract a live CD, hopefully pending on the promise of an excellent production from a great sound guy- Tommy Lee, a new member in the musical community arriving from New Orleans by way of Austin Texas, a sound professional who worked with many including but not limited to The Neville Brothers. He also managed many a stage in his day incl. in the Dominican Republic professionally as well as other stages, AND is a great grandson of ‘Crazy Horse’…but maybe I have said to much—Just come!… and feel free to call Barbara at 414-333-3334 first.
Thank You on Behalf of Mud River Lee & The Bluegrass Orchestra and We Hope to See You at Our Next Show!
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