Only in Milwaukee could you hear Mud River Lee and the Bluegrass Orchestra, until now. Carey Borth of Partywave Films has included Mud River Lee Music in her video release for the 100th year Anniversary, and the first release of this kind by her, it just tipifies what is actually out there as far a biker and bluegrass goes. There will be so much more, in the future.
Borth, whose accolades are far ranging and wide, is also known as Malibu Carey, but traces her roots back to Milwaukee. Milwaukee is like that. So much talent found the world over, but always returning home. When asked why Mud River Lee? She told this writer…’Because you made me’…and yes, it turned out very well.
The movies starts with screaming banjos and the roars into loud pipes that save lives. Mud River Lee and the Bluegrass Orchestra can be found weekly performing in Milwaukee and blur the lines of Bluegrass with Folk, Classical styling of Balladeers resonating love songs, with nice back up singers, who you swear bought you a beer at one point in your life and then evaporated in thin air. Made in Milwaukee.
Carey Borth can be found online, she is the director producer who has collected probably more footage independently, of Bikers and their stories, than anyone out there in video land, and has a great career ahead of and behind her, should one of her assistant producers, Barbara Meyer-Spidell, get her part straight and correct the billing proper…as all these excercises in releasing videos take time, in order to do them right. Gilbert Martin too is an executor in the video release featuring Mud River Lee’s Band, and was thrilled that it could all tie in so well together.
To obtain your copy of ‘Saddlebag Souvenir- Milwaukee Anniversary 2003-2008’, featuring the music of Mud River Lee and hosts expert footage by Carey Borth, please call Barbara at 414-333-3334. Thank you!