This year during the IBMA World of Bluegrass, we are delighted to have Driven, one of the invited showcase acts, chronicling their experiences for us at Bluegrass Today. It is both an honor and an opportunity for a group to be invited to showcase, and we thought it would be interesting to follow one throughout their big week in Raleigh. Up first is a pre-WOB report from banjo picker, Jimmy Campbell. Look for more reports next week.
Preparations for our first trip to IBMA are in full swing for Driven – and here at the Campbell house, we’re stacking piles of stuff we don’t want to forget.
Ever since we found out we’d be included as Showcase artists, we’ve been linking with everyone we know who has ever been to IBMA to find out what we need to do, who we need to talk to, when we should be jamming, what to wear, and what to eat. We talked with “big name” musicians, promoters, and friends who have attended in the past. We got some great nuggets, like “if you’re in the men’s room next to Del McCoury, be sure to hand him a CD” . . and “be sure to eat healthy and get some sleep – vegetables and fruits!” Our heads have been spinning for months, but one nugget that really resonated with us was this – “just go there melt faces with great shows and lots of energy.” Hope we can do that!
We want to be noticed, but not obnoxious (Del, you’re safe. . .we’ll leave you alone in the men’s room). We want to be memorable. We want to be tight. We want to make a splash. We want to meet new people and get gigs in places we’ve never been. Nothing like a little pressure, eh?
Last week, the whole band spent the week in Winfield Kansas at the Walnut Valley Festival. While we were there, we put our friends and family to work assembling our booth give away. Thank God we have lots of family! Last night, we started assembling 100 promotional folders with photo, business card, band bio, and newest CD. We’re using our band’s motto, “Bluegrass without mercy” on everything. This afternoon, the awesome banner that we ordered for our booth arrived.
The van has new tires, an oil change, and is clean (for now). Performance clothes are ready to be picked up at the dry cleaners. Road snacks are purchased. It’s going to be an adventure! We’ll check in again once we hit the road and let you know about our progress. Hope you’ll all stop by to say hi at our booth – just look for the awesome banner!