Colton Powers, the hard-charging’ banjo picker and tenor singer with Seth Mulder & Midnight Run, has announced that he will be leaving the band to start work on a new project he is working on.
He shared the following statement online…
“I’ve been a part of Midnight Run for around seven and a half years. It’s been one heck of a ride as I’ve seen several iterations of this band come and go. I’ve done some thinking and I have decided to leave Seth Mulder & Midnight Run.
When I first joined, it was Seth, Jasper T. Lorentzen, and Jereme Brown. They soon parted to pursue their careers with The Po’ Ramblin’ Boys. Soon after came Max Etling, and Robert Russell, who was then followed by Ben Watlington. Max, Ben, and I stayed with the band for a long time. After a couple of years we brought Max Silverstein, who’s seen this iterations and the next. Once Ben and Max left, we were joined by Joseph Sharp, then Tyler Griffith and Chevy Watson. Since being a part of this band, I have traveled to somewhere around 25 countries and 30 states.
This doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be playing music though! I’ve got some stuff in the works, and it’ll take a little bit to get it all worked out and ready to go, so look for me out there, I’ll be around! If anyone needs some fill in on banjo as well, drop me a line!
Thank you all so much for your support and for enjoying the music…
And most of all, thanks for the memories.”
Bossman Mulder wishes him well on the way out.
“I have truly enjoyed the past seven-plus years of making music with Colton. There have been lots of good times, and I’ll miss singing with him. However, change is a natural part of the journey, and I look forward to seeing him strike out on his own. I know great things are in store.
With change comes a renewed sense of energy and excitement, and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road this year with some new faces as we continue to bring folks the music they have come to love with Seth Mulder & Midnight Run.”
We look forward to news, both on Colton’s next venture, and the new faces with Midnight Run.