This commentary is a contribution from four former members of the Board of Directors of the International Bluegrass Music Association. All four, Henri Deschamps, Craig Ferguson, Elizabeth Wightman, and Brian Smith, resigned from the Board following a dispute with the
Opinion / Humor
New Year’s 2015 bluegrass quiz
Well, we’ve come to the end of the calendar year (my personal year came to an end in November), and what I usually like to do at this time of year, besides put on a silly party hat and hum
Merry Christmas from Chris Jones
The following is a column which was originally posted last Christmas Day. You probably didn’t read it at the time. I know I didn’t. Since I managed to pound one out last Christmas Day, I decided I was entitled to take
Don’t do it twice – it’s not that nice
There are lots of things we need to be careful of in the holiday season, like making sure we remember where we parked in a crowded shopping mall lot, or making sure not to leave gluten-free cookies out for Santa
Who brings a banjo to a Christmas party?
Last week it was my birthday, which I spent flying from some place to some place else (I probably should have looked at the boarding pass). In any case, I’m here, but I’m celebrating my birthday late by taking the
Proposition: the IBMA Book of Records
Whatever the future makeup of the IBMA Board of Directors might be in an ideal world (heaven), whether it have 16 members or 5 members, whether it be human, canine, or asenine, there’s something I really wish its members would
A suggestion for IBMA Governance and Management Architecture
This commentary is a contribution from Henri Deschamps, long tine supporter of the International Bluegrass Music Association, and a recently resigned member of their Board of Directors. Henri has a lifetime of experience in business, where he has achieved substantial success,
It’s All in the Family – sibling rivalry in bluegrass
The following bluegrass Thanksgiving reflection is a contribution from James Reams. It’s All in the Family: Sibling Rivalry Between Bluegrass and Old-Time is Just Part of Being Family Thanksgiving ⎯ it’s not a lukewarm kind of holiday. You either look forward to it
Thanks… Thanks a lot
Earlier in the week I was thinking I should weigh in on the recent IBMA board of directors controversy. You know, the one described by one noted bluegrass sage as “the worst crisis in the IBMA since the Galt House
An open letter to IBMA from Art Menius
This commentary is a contribution from Art Menius, who has been involved with the International Bluegrass Music Association since its inception. He delivered it to the IBMA Board last week, prior to their official meeting on November 19, and has