• New single, new sound from Monroeville

    Monroeville has offered a glimpse of their new sound with a catchy, upbeat, bluegrass/county single written by guitarist Eli Johnson. So Far is produced with a country vibe, but played with bluegrass instruments (and drums). It's a change in direction for the

  • Burke Cole passes

    The Michigan bluegrass community is mourning the passing of Burke Cole, who with his wife, Tina, put on the Marshall Bluegrass Festival this past 15 years in south Central Michigan. Burke died on March 3 at Oaklawn Hospital in Marshall. He was 71

  • #6 from Dailey & Vincent coming in May

    Rounder Records has announced May 7 as the release date for Brothers Of The Highway, the 6th album from Dailey & Vincent. "Getting back to their roots" is how Rounder describes the project in their press announcement, with a double meaning

  • Mark Lavengood vinyl EP

    Mark Lavengood, reso-guitarist with Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys, has released a self-titled EP on 7'' vinyl. The four tracks on the album cover the two sides of this talented Michigan picker. Half were recorded in an acoustic session with a

  • The Fiction Twins – Toshio Watanabe

    The popularity of bluegrass music in Japan is a subject well known and widely discussed among US and European grassers. Since the postwar occupation of the island nation in the late 1940s, the Japanese have warmed to many aspects of

  • Maro Kawabata passes

    Popular Japanese bluegrass artist Maro Kawabata died unexpectedly yesterday at the age of 51. He left behind many friends in the worldwide bluegrass community, who remember him fondly for his kindness, good humor, and superb musicianship. Maro was born in Kyoto, where he

  • New single from The Churchmen

    Mountain Fever has released a debut single from their first project with The Churchmen, Mercy River. The song is Bread and Water, written by the band's newest member, Carroll Arn, who had written a number of songs for The Churchmen before

  • Geoff Morris passes

    We are sorry to report that Geoff Morris, long-time Australian bluegrass radio host, has passed away after a brief and bitter battle with cancer. Geoff had announced at the end of last year that he would suspend his Wall-To-Wall show on World