• Sterling Masat to South Plains

    Sterling Masat has been named as the newest member of the Commercial Music faculty at South Plains College in Levelland, TX. He will serve as bluegrass music instructor in the program, teaching banjo and guitar, and leading bluegrass ensemble classes. A

  • Position open at South Plains

    A faculty position has come open in the Commercial Music program at South Plains College in Levelland, TX. This is the program where banjo legend Alan Munde taught for so many years, and where bluegrass multi-instrumentalist Joe Carr still resides. South Plains is accepting

  • Ron Block CD/DVD in the works

    We caught up with Ron Block this week, and he tells us that he has started work on a new solo recording - as he has breaks in the Alison Krauss & Union Station tour schedule this summer. He says that

  • Bluegrass at Glenville State

    We have written a number of times about the four year degree in bluegrass which is now available at East Tennessee State University. The folks at ETSU are understandably proud of getting state approval for this degree program, and have

  • Volunteer State to ETSU

    While East Tennessee State University remains the only college to offer a four year degree in Bluegrass, Old Time, and Country Music Studies, another college in Tennessee has recently added a two-year associate’s degree program in bluegrass music. Volunteer State