• How Long (Will Interest Rates Stay Low)?

    Merle Hazard is a clever Nashville songwriter and performer who has moved into the drastically underserved market of economic explication. No longer must we wait for an upbeat folk song about the Greek debt crisis, or the twin fears of

  • Video tease from Buddy and Milan

    Buddy Melton and Milan Miller have released a video to introduce everyone to their new duo album, Secrets, Dreams & Pretty Things. Buddy, of course, is the fiddler and tenor singer with Balsam Range, and Milan is a noted songwriter who

  • Say hello to Mikaya Taylor

    You know you've got a future bluegrass star in the making when they impress at a young age. In earlier generations, stage parents would often look for ways to get their precocious child performers up to pick and sing with the

  • My Little Hand from Corey Hensley

    Bluegrass and Gospel music singer/songwriter Corey Hensley has released a new track to radio, one of his called My Little Hand. Recorded with his own Corey Hensley Band in his studio in West Virginia, the song is reminiscent of many he

  • A Dream video from Ashleigh Caudill

    Here's another new video released today. It's a song from Ashleigh Caudill's upcoming album, Looney Bird, one she wrote called A Dream. She's followed a familiar path for today's most promising string musicians and songwriters. From her home in Colorado Ashleigh moved

  • Flats & Sharps burning up the UK

    Flats & Sharps is a young band in England who are making quite a name for themselves within the trendy British music scene. They're five handsome lads with a passion for bluegrass, developed through busking for pocket money while in college. Now they've turned