• Danny Paisley fundraiser underway

    When we wrote late last year about Danny Paisley suffering a pair of heart attacks and undergoing a successful triple bypass, we indicated that efforts to create an online fundraising appeal were underway. Now, fans and friends can easily pass along

  • Congratulations Matt and Carrie

    If it seems like we've been writing about Matt Wallace every few days, it's because we have. First we mentioned the debut single from his upcoming Pinecastle release, then his membership in Terry Baucom's new band, The Dukes of Drive, and

  • Jesse McReynolds recuperating at home

    Mandolin icon Jesse McReynolds is resting at home after undergoing a minor cardiac procedure last Friday. His doctors sent him to St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville for an electrophysiological study to determine the cause of his recurring dizzy spells and accelerated heart rate.

  • Martin Guitars at the Met

    Starting this week, and running through the end of 2014, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is hosting a special exhibition of historic guitars from C.F. Martin. Drawn from their own inventory of classic Martins, ones donated from the

  • Welcome Ella Dawson

    Lynda and Jamie Dawson, of North Carolina's Kickin Grass, are celebrating the birth of their second daughter. Ella Jean Dawson was born on Sunday (1/19/14) at 2:35 a.m. She came in at 5 lbs, 13 oz, one month early. Mom, dad, baby

  • Benefit Planned for Kip Martin

    In the face of adversity, the bluegrass community is once again coming together to help one of its own. While bassist Kip Martin lies gravely ill in a Nashville hospital, bluegrass friends hundreds of miles away are planning a benefit to

  • Shock Ink to work with Lonesome Day

    In November of 2013 we reported on changes at Lonesome Day Records. Label President Randall Deaton has taken on a new partner, Jeff Carter, CEO of Viamedia. In addition to many years of expertise in media marketing, Jeff's investment will allow

  • Rhonda left out in the cold

    I'm sure most of us in the US have their own stories about dealing with the record cold temperatures we've been experiencing this week. For Rhonda Vincent, our reigning Bluegrass Queen, the travails of air travel and extreme cold paired

  • Welcome Hayes Hassler

    Another holiday bluegrass baby! Bluegrass songstress Carrie Hassler and her husband, Thom, are celebrating the birth of their second son. Hayes Phillip Hassler was born on Christmas morning at 5:40 a.m., who came in at 7 lbs, 11 oz. Carrie and Hayes, named