• The view from Germany

    Greetings from the Night Drivers 2017 European tour. Traveling in places where you don’t speak the language can be challenging. This tour is taking us primarily through German-speaking countries, and while I speak a little German, my knowledge is primarily

  • Niche marketing to bluegrass fans

    A story ran recently in Bluegrass Today that began, “Are you a bluegrass banjo fan who also traps small game?” It immediately made me feel like I hadn’t really given niche marketing the attention it deserves. Okay, I haven’t given

  • The best it ever was

    It’s an extremely busy week, as the Night Drivers and I head off to Circa Blue Fest and then a European tour. Meanwhile I’m in the midst of some sort of satellite radio marathon. This is just a sign of

  • Lists, leaks, and IBMA intrigue

    The arrival of the first IBMA awards ballot is always interesting in one way or another, this year more interesting than most. Still, after having to start over this week with a new and less confusing ballot, folks at the

  • Show me the bluegrass bucket list!

    You’ve no doubt heard of the “bucket list.” Like “show me the money” and other overused phrases, it has its origins in the movies. If you missed it, the bucket list is a list of things you hope to do

  • The very unreal threats of bluegrass groupies

    Chris is out on tour with the Night Drivers this week, and asked us to re-run this column about bluegrass groupies. It originally ran in 2011, shortly after Bluegrass Today was launched. Wives of male professional bluegrass musicians may from time