I recently interviewed Robyn Taylor (RobynTaylorMusic.com) for my Artist2Artist radio show. Our conversation took place at Eddie’s Attic in Decatur, Georgia just outside of Atlanta where Robyn would be performing later that evening. I have interviewed other musical artists at this prestigious music venue, most recently John Cowan. And just as in that interview, Robyn and I are squeezed into the smallest “green” room imaginable, sitting knee to knee for a very intimate and revealing conversation.
Please take 15 minutes and give this a listen. I think you’ll be surprised by the thoughts she shares, her beautifully crafted music, and the inspiration she provides to others who are pulling themselves up and out of troubled waters to create a new world and career around them.
Pay close attention near the end of the interview as Robyn shares these hopes and a vision for herself:
“Showing up, being authentic, let go of other people’s expectations… living a life as true to myself – rather than (by) accomplishments.”
I’m taking this sentiment, writing it down and pasting it to my fridge. It’s THAT important. Especially for artists who feel that oftentimes they lose their soul to the business side of music.
Yet, it’s such a curious statement coming from a professional who is a successful publicist charged with promoting the accomplishments of others.
Many of us in the music business are familiar with her Nashville, Tennessee based Rockin’ Robyn Productions. We receive her creative promotional emails that are a pleasure to read due to her tremendous sense of design and incisive messaging. She really is one of the bluegrass and Americana music’s industry innovators. Currently Robyn steers the brand management and publicity for artists who couldn’t be more different from each other such as Claire Lynch, Missy Raines & The New Hip, Mary Gauthier, Phil Madeira, Brooksie Wells, Jeanette Williams, Louisa Branscomb and others.
That’s the side we all see. But there is another side that Robyn is slowly revealing through song. She has been through serious personal trials, and I mean difficult trials. And from those, she is creating an admirable professional life for herself by way of carving out a peaceful, artistic personal space in an overly “look at me” Nashville music scene.
Robyn is writing a new chapter in her life as singer-songwriter, solo musical artist. She travels to venues far outside of Nashville to hone her performance craft. You’ll find her on stage, alone with her guitar, sharing her original music and stunning vocals with audiences who are not, like the rest of us, familiar with her or her professional “accomplishments.”
So, take some time, and give the interview a listen. I have a hunch it will resonate with many of you.
Also, please leave your comments, thoughts and insights. You ideas are important to me, and I know that Robyn will enjoy what you have to say, as well.
Thanks for reading and listening.