A third edition in their Book Of The Dawg series, Dawg Jazz, has been released by Acoustic Disc, David Grisman’s record label. Like its previous volumes, Dawg Roots and Dawg Grass, this third book collects 20 Grisman compositions in a jazzy vein from his many recordings this past 30 plus years.
Each tune is presented in standard musical notation with mandolin tablature. Grisman also contributes descriptive text for the tunes, along with discographical information and photos from David’s long career.
Tunes in Dawg Jazz include:
Rattlesnake Dawg Patch E.M.D. Blue Midnite Dawgola Hot Club Swing Dawgma Dawg Jazz Steppin’ with Stephane Svingin’ with Svend | Mad Max Dawg Daze Learned Pigs Grateful Dawg Jazzin’ with Jazzbo Dawg after Dark Limestones Cinderella’s Fella Dawg’s Groove Swang Thang |
Dawg Jazz sells for $28 and is available from the Acoustic Disc web site.