Nothin’ Fancy is hosting their 18th annual festival at Glen Maury Park in Buena Vista, Virginia. Wednesday started as it always does – with a great potluck dinner. The food was wonderful. This old photographer ate way to much!
Mike Andes, Chris Sexton, and Caleb Cox opened the music with at stirring rendition of the National Anthem. They were then joined by their bandmates and provided a few tunes for the well fed crowd. They were followed by the Mike Mitchel Band. They played a set of traditional bluegrass music. The final group of the evening was the Half New Grass Revival. They played some of the newer music.
Thursday will bring David Parmley, Larry Stephenson, Little Roy and Lizzie, Nothin’ Fancy, and Doyle Lawson to the festival stage.
Join the Nothin’ Fancy boys for a good time with great bluegrass music.