Though it’s not actually scheduled for release until next year (which is later this week!), Gary Reid tells us that he has received an initial consignment of his new book, The Music of The Stanley Brothers, from University of Illinois Press.
If ever there was an example of a book existing as someone’s life’s work, it would surely be this one for Gary. He has spent the past forty years collecting information on The Stanley Brothers, and has developed a knowledge of their lives and music that is both broad and deep. It’s simple justice that he should write the definitive volume on their too-short career.
You may have read Ralph Stanley’s brilliant memoir, Man Of Constant Sorrow, and David Johnson’s fine Stanleys biography, Lonesome Melodies, and, if so, you’ll surely want The Music Of The Stanley Brothers as well. If not, order all three and make 2015 the year you learn more about the men who gave bluegrass music its heart and soul during its earliest days.
Those who have pre-ordered the book from University of Illinois Press or Amazon should be receiving their copies soon. But if you’re like me and can’t wait to dive into Reid’s research right away, you can contact him by email to purchase a copy directly from the author. If you ask nicely he’d probably event autograph it.