Sitting here in my Tennessee home tonight, with an ice storm having passed through the area today and being on our 3rd consecutive week of snow events that included “Thunder Snow” last week, the mind wanders to happier times when
The White Water Bluegrass Company
Each month, the LocalGrass Radio Show tries to bring the show's varied audience of listeners information about a new local band. Sometimes we meet the band in person and arrange for an interview on the show, and sometimes the interview
LocalGrass: Susan Brown & Friends
Among the many treasures to be found in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the state’s diversity is a definite asset. To a visitor from another part of the world, one might find it difficult to believe that the heavily populated areas
LocalGrass – Bellamy Hardware
If you’ve ever visited the small town of Surgoinsville, Tennessee and traveled down Main Street, you probably didn’t pay much attention to the modest old building that sits next door to the Surgoinsville Police Dept. If you’re a true fan
LocalGrass – Duty Free
When you hear the phrase “Duty Free,” what comes to mind? If you’re like most, an exempt purchase is one of the first things. In Bristol Tennessee, you think of Hal Boyd and the talented group of guys that make
LocalGrass: Feed & Seed
One of the most satisfying things about doing a radio show like LocalGrass Radio is the ability to introduce the world to great local bands and performers that would otherwise go unheard outside their geographic region. Sometimes the star of
LocalGrass: Fairview Avenue
If you're from New York City, someone from 'upstate New York' is basically like someone from 'anywhere else.' If you're a bluegrass band from 'Upstate New York,' you're not like anybody, from anywhere else. Altamont, NY-based Fairview Avenue is a testament
LocalGrass – Al Batten & The Bluegrass Reunion: Forty Years & Counting
If you're a bluegrass fan that has been around for a while, you're no doubt familiar with a handful of elite sidemen from days gone by who held their job with only one band for a great number of years.
LocalGrass – The Moore Brothers
This is the debut installment of LocalGrass, a new feature on Bluegrass Today. LocalGrass will twice-monthly provide information about bands and artists who are working primarily on a local or regional basis. We hope to be able to provide an early look at