The Bluegrass Band, Buncombe Turnpike of Asheville, NC, has made it through the third round of voting on CMT’s Music City Madness. We are now the last bluegrass band standing in the competition for best original song and video.
Please support us, and show CMT that bluegrass is still alive and well, by going to you will find a chart showing the 16 bands that are still in the competition, Buncombe Turnpike is at the bottom left. Vote for our video as many times as you want. Every vote counts, and there is no limit to the number of times you may cast your vote.
The song, Black Sedan, is an original tune by Tom Godleski, the lead singer and bass player on the song.
We’re really excited to have made it to the Top 16, and competition is heating up! Please help us make it through round four!
You can visit our website at