Send us your ’06 IBMA event schedule

A quick note for any organizations, associations, artists, agencies or companies sponsoring events during the IBMA World Of Bluegrass in Nashville next month:

We will again this year be compiling and posting the full IBMA week schedule on Bluegrass Today. This will include the official IBMA events (seminars, workshops, meetings, exhibit hours, after hours showcases) as well as any being sponsored by individuals or other organizations, during the day or in the evenings. This schedule will be accessible from Bluegrass Today during IBMA week, and will be searchable by day, sponsoring organization, performer, location, time, etc. If you will have a computer with you that week, you’ll be able to see what’s on tap anywhere, anytime.

If you will be hosting any special events that week, either on site at the Convention Center/Renaissance Hotel, or at an off-site venue in the immediate vicinity, we would like to include it in our schedule. Please send us the date, time and location of your event, the name of the sponsoring organization, and any performers who will appear. If there will be multiple performers, please also include performance times.

It will greatly assist us in setting up this database if you can send information as soon as possible. It is far more efficient for us to edit or update listings as changes are made than to be faced with adding dozens of events a few days before things get cranking in Nashville.

We will have access to this database while we are at IBMA, and can enter last minute changes at almost any time. This allows us to provide the most accurate, complete and user-friendly schedule of events available to attendees at WOB. Of course, we will depend on the folks hosting these many events to contact us, both with their initial schedules, and with on-site updates as well.

Please use our Contact Form to initiate communication, and we will respond with an email address where you can send your schedule(s) and any updates that may be required.

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About the Author

John Lawless

John had served as primary author and editor for The Bluegrass Blog from its launch in 2004 until being folded into Bluegrass Today in September of 2011. He continues in that capacity here, managing a strong team of columnists and correspondents.